Ph: (312) 666-4700
Fax: (312) 666-4788
South Suburbs
Ph: (708) 474-8282
Northwest Indiana
Ph: (219) 934-2800
Fax: (219) 934-2810

Document Workflow Analysis
Our team of experienced specialists will review your processes to identify areas where increased effectiveness and


efficiencies can be achieved. From document input, to storage, retrieval, security, output and distribution, we will identify opportunities and help you develop a cost savings plan.

Print Optimization
We offer Device Central, a way to identify, track, and control all output devices with a reporting system that will enable us to account for all devices and related operating costs. An analysis can be performed and executive summary created including a TCO and a cost saving recommendation.

Device Central also allows us to offer just in time supply replenishment and prompt service, all while saving you organization money.

As every business owner knows, time is money. There is significant cost to managing paperwork; hourly wages, storage space rent, and noncompliance fines add up over time.

With an ever-growing amount of data, the need for a centralized document management system with sophisticated search tools has never been greater.

As document management specialists, our business solutions focus on the connected office.

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